Posts Tagged ‘craziness’

You know it’s going to be a long day when…

You know it’s going to be a long day when…

The buyer who put a verbal offer in on your house comes back for a second showing and finds your brand new roof is leaking…on your sewing machine.

Thankfully, it was a spare, it was in the box, and the box is waterproofed.  And it could have been a lot worse if he hadn’t found it.  And the roof is under warranty.


So we have a verbal offer, probably in writing later today!  If we accept this offer, we’ll be closing at the end of September, which isn’t much time considering we have out-of-town family coming in a week from today for E’s first birthday party, his dedication at church on the 13th, and somewhere in there we need to get ourselves to Nashville and find a new house to live in.   Whew!

And the best part is that tomorrow we have another second showing, as well as a first showing tonight.  We’re going to have a bidding war! LOL


I admit, lately being green has flown out the window for the most part.  We are still recycling, though I went to throw some paper away and found that my husband has absconded with the paper recycling bag, and he’s professed a dislike for it (we have to haul it to the township bins) and announced he will now be lazy.  He did keep the metal bins; we’re giving the metal to a friend trying to raise some money by selling scrap.

In addition to that, it seems that buyers like to look at houses during the dinner hours, the lunch hours, and nap times.  So we’ve been eating out.  A lot.  Both B, my husband, and I agree – our stomachs are not used to eating out anymore, and our diet is sorely lacking in vegetables right now.  I’ve tried to cook more vegetables and fewer breads and meats when we are home to make up for it.  (And it probably doesn’t help that the local pizza chain is selling $4 large pizzas – they told my husband that they are trying to put all the local Dominos out of business!)  $4 to feed my family a meal is a great deal!

Not only that, but cleaning constantly, trying to keep the laundry from piling up on the basement floor, and always having to leave has made it hard to get much done.  So I apologize to anyone who has been to my shop and not found what they were looking for! 🙂


So help me out, please!  Give me some motivation!  Tips for greener moving?

Murphy’s Law

This past weekend was an exercise in the everenduring Murphy’s Law – if it can go wrong, it will!

Our cat disappeared sometime Saturday afternoon and I started having flashbacks to when we lost a cat to a car last year.  Mostly because I found myself looking out every window I passed by, hoping for a glimpse of white and black.  He goes out during the day, but comes in at night.

Just about the time I finally broke down on Sunday in despair, realizing that he was probably dead, I happened to glance out several windows on my way downstairs to get something (it becomes a habit!) and there he was!  Smelling like diesel fuel, filthy, and with several scratches on his nose, but alive!

Sunday morning G, my three-and-a-half year old, decided to do an exercise called “See what it takes to drive Mama crazy.”  This was not only an effort made during the time it took to get ready for church in the morning, but during the service,  which would normally have dismissed the kids to Sunday School, but because a group of missionaries had come back from Mexico, kept the kids a little longer.

All that was topped off by a friend of ours  fainting at the end of the missionary’s talk, as she came back in the sanctuary.   One of the best things about living semi-rurally is that the ambulances are fast! She was fine – she had gotten too much sun on Saturday and collapsed from being over-dehydrated and will be released from the hospital today.  Thank goodness it wasn’t anything too serious!

I certainly wasn’t very green this weekend – unless you count the fact that I can drive a lot farther in my car now on one tank of gas.  We drove back and forth to the hospital and the church, collecting cars and people (we drive to church separately, as my husband is the music pastor and has to be there 3 hours early.)  Not to mention the lunch at the take-out pizza place on Saturday and McDonald’s on Sunday (ugh – too much junk!)  This week, I will be focusing on serving more fruits and vegetables, driving less, and starting to pack up the house.

Hmm…looks like bad things do happen in threes…


I apologize for not posting the past couple days.  Things have been crazy, as usual. 🙂  I’m catching up on some special orders and I think the kids are conspiring to bring down WeeEssentials by staggering their naps.

A few months ago I mentioned that we were going to be moving from Northeast Ohio to Nashville.  Our house is now on the market, and we’re hopeful it will sell quickly.  We’ve had several showings, including one spontaneous one today, with only a half hour to pick up and clean!  When we get an offer, we’ll be traveling down to Nashville to do a little house shopping of our own.  I can’t wait to have everything over and done with!  Of course, it’s an adventure, and it should be interesting to see what the next few months bring.

Any tips for “green” moving?